The True Meaning Behind the Red Rose

Posted by Rosephoria Team on

Giving someone a rose can be one of the most magical ways to tell them you care. Have you ever

thought about what color rose you’re giving them and what it might signify?

It’s true, different colored roses hold different symbolic implications. It is far more than just a color- it is a statement that can range from affirmation and to deep love to even friendship. So, what does a Red Rose stand for?

Romantic Love

First and foremost, red roses are an iconic symbol of love. That deep, romantic love, full of longing and desire. The classic Red Rose is the perfect means for sparking a flame in a lasting or even new romance. This is the perfect way to tell someone you love them; a red rose is an unmistakable expression of love.

Romance is not dead, gentlemen. You can still be your significant other’s Knight in Shining Armor and the same the other way around, Ladies! It is exciting to decipher what someone means by sending a rose your way. Be sure to send the right message to the one you treasure romantically, by sending them none other than a red rose. It is a great way to be straightforward with your emotions, which can sometimes be challenging to put into words.

I Adore You

Secondly, red roses have been utilized for centuries in literature, artwork, and poetry to convey the symbol of devotion. Shakespeare once said it best, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Where Juliet is comparing Romeo to a rose himself. The red rose is a classic symbol of passion and speaks for itself in its own flirtatious language.

Keep in mind, giving flowers doesn’t have to be for anniversaries or apologies, you can earn even more brownie points for doing it just because you care. So, give your loved one red roses anytime, it’s impressive and thoughtful.

Eternal Beauty

Lastly, giving a single red rose to another person can symbolize your admiration for their beauty, both inside and out. Imagine your special someone being reminded for a whole year by an Everlasting Rose, that you think they are the most beautiful person in the world. A constant reminder of your appreciation of their inner and outer beauty, the red rose takes on a physical form of your inner love language.

You can’t go wrong when gifting a rose

These are mere implications of symbolism and what is most important when purchasing a rose for your loved one or friend, is making sure you get what they like. If yellow roses are your romantic partner’s favorite flower, go for it! You can’t go wrong sending a gorgeous, Everlasting Rose, to tell him or her you care.

So, head over to our shop to pick the perfect color Everlasting Rose for your loved one.


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